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Health and safety management

Health and safety management

We are specialised technicians and certified in the field of security.

We operate directly in the field, as CSP-CSE for complex works and we provide advice on safety at different levels and we are certified according to the OHSAS 18001 standard (safety and health management system for workers).


  • PSC Editorial (Security and Coordination Plan)
  • SOP editing (Safety Operational Plan)
  • Analysis and assessment of specific risks
  • Drafting of emergency and evacuation plans
  • Specific advice on occupational safety
  • Environmental measurements
  • Editing of DVR (risk assessment document)
  • Drafting of DUVRI (single document assessing the risks from interference)
  • CSP (Safety coordination during Design)
  • CSE (Safety coordination during Execution)
  • Verification of the documentation required by the law

Via Edmondo De Amicis, 64, 87036 Rende (CS) - Italy
tel +39 0984 846295

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