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Environmental, social and economic studie

Environmental, social and economic studies

We protect the environment, human beings and the economy to protect an increasingly sustainable future.

The correct design of works must necessarily take into account the General environmental protection and specific criteria contained in individual standards. Through the envi division, we offer a wide range of environmental services, aimed at the correct inclusion of the works in the territory, according to the principles of sustainability and safeguarding and in compliance with current legislation. We also carry out social and economic studies, integrated with environmental ones, in a framework of sustainability.


  • Scoping (delimitation of the field of survey)
  • Screening (preliminary check)
  • Environmental impact assessments (V.I.A.)
  • Strategic Environmental Assessments (V.A.S.)
  • Impact assessment (V.I.)
  • Integrated Environmental Authorisations (A.I.A.)


  • Environmental impact studies
  • Cartographic elaboration and thematic maps
  • Noise assessments and modelling
  • Evaluation of electromagnetic fields (EMF)
  • Modelling of atmospheric dispersion of polluting emissions
  • Landscape reports
  • Soil reports
  • Agronomic reports
  • Characterisation of the marine aquatic environment
  • Context analysis (geographical, social, institutional, economic, environmental) and qualitative risks map
  • Stakeholder analysis 
  • CSV/CSR Projects


  • Studies and research applied to the protection and management of the environment
  • Drafting of studies, research and planning, also economic planning, for the Protected Areas and the Natura 2000 Network Sites
  • Preparation of projects for the conservation, development, management and use of natural protected areas
  • Reporting on the State of the environment
  • Technical assistance to public bodies in all areas of environmental protection and development
  • Technical assistance to public bodies for the management of environmental programmes and projects
  • Technical assistance to public and private bodies for dissemination, training and awareness-raising activities on environmental issues
  • Technical assistance to public bodies in the context of territorial planning and programming processes.


Via Edmondo De Amicis, 64, 87036 Rende (CS) - Italy
tel +39 0984 846295

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