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Green & Green s.r.l. - Articoli filtrati per data: Giugno 2016
Sabato, 18 Giugno 2016 15:16


We have signed partnership agreements with high calibre companies and qualified consultants to strengthen and extend our technical coverage in Egypt.

Pubblicato in Dove siamo
Sabato, 18 Giugno 2016 15:15


We have signed partnership agreements with high calibre companies and qualified consultants to strengthen and extend our technical coverage in Romania.

Pubblicato in Dove siamo
Sabato, 18 Giugno 2016 15:09


We have signed partnership agreements with high calibre companies and qualified consultants to strengthen and extend our technical coverage in Greece.

Pubblicato in Dove siamo
Sabato, 18 Giugno 2016 14:50


Green & Green S.r.l. Unipersonale

Pubblicato in Dove siamo
Sabato, 18 Giugno 2016 09:53


Green apply is a division of Green & Green Srl Unipersonale whose mission is to guarantee saving and energy efficiency both for residential and business Clients, through the realization of electricity production systems from renewable sources with the latest technology.

Our strength is the ability in providing custome-made solutions, easy and clear: we are able to make different kinds of proposal always keep in mind the Client’s needs and the environment.

In fact, thanks to our multidisciplinarity, Apply division follows its customers at all stages: from the pre-feasibility studies passing through the permitting phase and the counseling, up to the design and construction. 

And also, we offer focused services aimed at a proper management and maintenance of the plants, maximizing their efficiency, productivity and lifetime, making available our competent and experienced technical Team. 

Apply division is though specialized in energy efficiency of facilities and structures in order to guarantee a substantial reduction of costs and consumptions, thanks to the adoption of a modular and structured approach starting from the awareness of the functionality required by the context and the needs of the customer. Among the activities, we have to mention energy audits, carried out in a very deep way. In fact we start from the analysis phase during which our consultants will make a punctual and careful evaluation of the energy behavior of buildings and facilities and they will be collecting the initial data, such as dimensional data and structure plant/building system, annual and actual energy consumption. 

The data are detected and measured using a technical equipment (Heat flow, thermal imaging cameras), while the analysis and the processing of the collected data has carried out using spreadsheets, software and reference energy indicators to identify waste and define the best practice for customers.

After having processed the data, a final summary report of the energy performance of the structure/ system will be produced and consequently a project proposal for an eventual action will be provided, with a quotation of costs, times and methods of intervention, choosing the best solution with the clients and realizing the whole feasibility study of this intervention writing a proper business plan.

We create “efficiency” through different solutions regarding several facilities as design and adjustment and modernization of lighting system, Innovation Heating Systems and Air Conditioning, Installation of plants of Renewable Energy Production, actions of building casings, research and proposal of material at high energy efficiency and much more.

Our procedures are able to ensure an achievement of the overall energy balance and allows a considerable saving for the clients with benefits for the environment.


Pubblicato in Divisioni
Sabato, 18 Giugno 2016 09:53


Knowing the characteristics of the land is, without doubt, a crucial element to ensure a proper design, and it’s this that our division Gaia is deals with.

Through our skills, we are able to conduct geological, geotechnical and geognostic studies, geotechnical investigation in situ and laboratory, geomorphological surveys and thematic mapping in CAD and/or GIS. We also carry out hazard hydrogeological studies, feasibility studies and also the design for the consolidation and safety from landslides or collapse of rock blocks.

We offer a wide range of services in Geognostic area (from the execution of environmental and geotecnic surveys to drafting boards to sampling and testing on the same), in Geophysics and also Archeology, without neglecting areas of Cartography and Topography.


Pubblicato in Divisioni
Sabato, 18 Giugno 2016 09:53


Designing according to the criteria of the environmental protection, sustainability principles and safeguards, in accordance with local regulations, it is our main purpose.

Our division Envi is able to provide a wide range of services that ranging from procedures to specialised studies, to researches and projects.

Among our main activities, we certainly have to include Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA), Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA), Integrated Environmental Authorization and Evaluation of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF); specialised studies as Agronomic and Landscape reports, and also studies and researches applied to the protection and environmental management and drafting projects for the proper preservation, valorization, management and fruition of the protected areas and even disclosure activities and awareness on environmental issues.

And last but not least, we take care of environment monitoring that allows us to identify and quantify the environmental impacts related to the works carried out.


Pubblicato in Divisioni
Sabato, 18 Giugno 2016 09:27


As part of its ongoing expansion, Green & Green is pleased to announce it has officially opened its new headquarter in São Paulo – Brazil.


Pubblicato in News
Sabato, 18 Giugno 2016 09:27


As part of its ongoing expansion, Green & Green is pleased to announce it has officially opened its new headquarter in Johannesburg – South Africa.

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A photovoltaic power plant designed by Green& Green is under construction in Brazil (Nominal Power: 11 MW)

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